Ryne Stagen


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2025.

Interests: Computer Programming, Astronomy, Cars, Working Out


UH-Marketplace 2023-12-13

An application for UH students to buy/trade/sell items

Software Engineering Learning

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TicTacToe 2022

Its a fun TicTacToe Game.


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G35 2021

Putting a car back together

Cars Learning

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New Adventures: The Path of JavaScript

13 Dec 2023

JavaScript: A Newcomer’s Adventure JavaScript, to me, is more than just solving an engaging puzzle—it’s a delightful challenge that seamlessly intertwines fun with complexity. Drawing from my experience with Java, C, and C++, stepping into the realm of JavaScript felt...

Software Engineering Learning

Beyond Web Dev: Software Engineering Insights

10 Dec 2023

Diving Deep: Web Development Throughout this software engineering class, I’ve gained insights that go beyond just building web applications. We’ve explored essential concepts that reach into the core of software engineering, like Open Source Software Development, Configuration Management, and Agile...

Software Engineering Learning

Musical Code

29 Nov 2023

Personal Experience In my coding adventures, I like to think of each project as a musical composition, with design patterns serving as the musical notes that guide me in creating software that’s not only functional but also elegant. These patterns...

Software Engineering Learning

The Aesthetics and Impact of Coding Standards

20 Sep 2023

The Importance of Coding Standards When it comes to coding standards, everyone has their own opinion. Some wonder if these rules and guidelines truly help us write better code. In my personal view, coding standards may not directly improve the...

Software Engineering Learning