My interests in cars inspired to learn how a car is built. I bought a broken car off of FaceBook Market place that didn’t start or wasn’t fully built, so I dedicated myself to learn how to learn the ins and outs of the car. In the very beginning I decided to look up the main things a car needs to start. In order for a car to start you need fuel, spark, timing, air, and compression. Starting from the cheapest to the most expensive parts I started with the air filter –> spark plugs –> fuel pump –> battery –> alternator –> starter. None of those options worked, so then I looked into the electrical side of the car (the basic parts) I learned how to check the fuses battery terminal connections and the relays. With some research and timing I found the solution, it was the starter relay.
Then comes the next problem, the car was overheating. So I went back to do more research and discovered that coolant is leaking from the car. With a little bit of looking I concluded it came from the water pump. After removing the water pump I saw that it was corroded and coolant was leaking through the O-rings and that concluded the overheating problem. Up next was the exterior portion, I zip tied all the wires together to hold the in place and ordered an OEM front bumper and finally with a lot of money spent extensive research I finally got the car in a good working condition.